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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Geography

conference proposal

Conference proceedings are a collection of Scientific/ Research/ Technical papers that presented at a professional association meeting. These meetings are sometimes referred to as conferences, symposia, workshops, expositions, exhibitions, and the like. The proceedings would be of different kinds like- Abstracts, Full length papers, Extended abstracts, Manuscripts, Presentations, etc. If the publications are filled with full papers, they are considered proceedings, or conference proceedings. Abbreviated papers are referred to as abstracts or conference abstracts. Conference abstracts can be simple (1 page), or extended (2-5 pages). So these publications can be called conference proceedings, symposium publications, workshop presentations, annual meeting papers, or any combination, but we're sure you get the idea.

We as ARC Publications publish vast majority of proceedings in the area of Clinical, Medical, Engineering, Life sciences, Pharmacy and other technology fields. We publish each conference proceedings as individual volume and we will provide print copies as per the requirement. We would welcome Mutual Media Partner Associations with conferences organizing committee, to advertise each ones organizations to the scientific world.

We request you to send conference proceedings, Media partnership association proposals and queries to our Email ID: