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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications

Volume-9 Issue-1

Design and Contructtion of Motion Detection Security Alarm Using Arduino Uno
Sanda, A. S, Gene, S.A., Simon, I.
Download | Page No : 1-4

An Innovative Framework for Android-Based Applications in Nigerian Higher Education
Aminu Aminu Muazu, Aminu Bishir
Download | Page No : 5-11

Soil Moisture Controlled Irrigation System for Enhanced Vegetable Garden Productivity and Water Efficiency
Adeniran, A. Olusakin., Olabisi, Olusegun, Akankpo O. Akaninyene, Akpabio, G. Thompson, Oduobuk, E.Joseph., Anie, N.Oliseloke
Download | Page No : 12-19