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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Geography
Volume 4, Issue 2, 2018, Page No: 61-71

Application of a Channel Stability Assessment Method near Bridges and Culverts: Case Study in Parana State, Brazil

Oscar Vicente Quinonez Fernandez1*,Leandro Neri Bortoluzzi2

1.State University of Western Parana (Unioeste), Department of Geography, Marechal Candido Rondon, Parana state, Brazil.
2.Doutorate in Geography at Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), Sao Paulo state, Brazil.

Citation : Oscar Vicente Quinonez Fernandez,Leandro Neri Bortoluzzi, Application of a Channel Stability Assessment Method near Bridges and Culverts: Case Study in Parana State, Brazil International Journal of Research in Geography 2018, 4(2) : 61-71


This study aims to evaluate the level of stability of river channels in bridges and culverts in two watersheds located in the state of Parana (Brazil), adopting the methodology of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). These watersheds are composed by sandstone of the Parana River Formation in the Parana Watershed 2 (BP2) and by basalt of the Serra Geral Formation in the Parana Watershed 3 (BP3). The channel stability level was analyzed in 6 structures in the BP2 and 46 structures in the BP3. All structures located on federal, state and municipal asphalted roads were selected. Among the points analyzed in the BP2, 83% were classified in the Good Level category and 17% in the Fair Level category, while in the BP3, 28% were classified in the Excellent level and 72% in the Good level. In both watersheds, bridges and small bridges presented Excellent and Good levels, while in culverts the Good and Fair levels predominated, showing that the first structures created fewer impacts in the fluvial channels than the culverts. These data illustrate the greater instability of the channels in road structures installed in areas where sandstones appear in opposition to structures constructed in areas with basaltic rocks.

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