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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Geography
Volume 4, Issue 1, 2018, Page No: 67-77

Social Perceptions of People Living with HIV/AIDS using Multivariate Analysis for Public Health Planning


Assistant Professor of Geography, Department of Geography, Govt .College Chittur, Palakkad, Kerala.

Citation : Jayarajan.K, Social Perceptions of People Living with HIV/AIDS using Multivariate Analysis for Public Health Planning International Journal of Research in Geography 2018, 4(1) : 67-77


HIV/AIDS-related stigma is "a term that refers to prejudice, discounting, discrediting, and inequity directed at people perceived to have AIDS or HIV, and the individuals, groups, and communities with which they are associated" Such stigmas have been recognized in varying forms throughout the world, ranging from personal attacks to loss of jobs or homes to discriminatory legislation. These stigmas even impact the behaviour of people who have HIV/AIDS themselves and those associated with them. When a virulent pandemic like HIV/AIDS emerges in a society or globally, drastic social action is needed to reduce the impact. Unlike other viruses or diseases, there is no vaccination or cure for HIV/AIDS, so a "simple" clarification of inoculations could not be administered on such a massive scale. When these limitations are recognized, the task of reducing the spread and impact of a pandemic like HIV/AIDS becomes much more challenging. The colossal task then becomes getting millions of people to change their everyday behaviour. This is not easy to do. The present study aims to analyze the spatial distribution of people living with HIV/AIDS and their relationship between social, cultural, psychological and health condition. The multivariate statistical technique of factor analysis is applied to study the multi dimentional inter related variables included in the research study .Based on analysis the Eigen value 6.49 is considered as a yardstick to extract 10 factors and the same are resolved owing to the fact that almost all the variables got loaded with these factors. The 10 factors explain altogether 89.58% of the total variance with each one of its value ranging from 6.49% to 12.31 %. Though the components selected as 10 factors, it is pertinent to note the fact the first 5 primary factors that have more than 8.93 Eigen values alone totally explain 53.84 % of total variance whereas the remaining 5 factors recorded with more than (6.49-7.61). The social ,cultural, psychological and health condition are considered for the present analysis and identified the problematic region in the block level i.e. Pattambi , Sreekrishnapuram and Attapadi block represented very high HIV/AIDS related problems whereas very low HIV/AIDS related problems are represented in the blocks of Chittur, Nenmara-, Thrithala, and Ottapalam- this will be ready to lend a hand for a sustainable planning to the future.

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