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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Geography
Volume 3, Issue 2, 2017, Page No: 12-17

Thematic Mapping in Siwani Area, District Bhiwani using Remote Sensing and Gis


Research Scholar (MDU, Rohtak, Haryana)

Copyright :Priyanka, Thematic Mapping in Siwani Area, District Bhiwani using Remote Sensing and Gis International Journal of Research in Geography ,2017;3(2):12-17.


The terms "land use" and "land cover" are often used simultaneously to describe maps that provide information about the types of features found on the earth's surface (land cover) and the human activity that is associated with them (land use). The main objectives in the present study are to prepare base map, land use/land cover & geomorphology map of the study area to accustom with GIS techniques for preparing maps, to acquaint with global positioning system (GPS). The study area constitutes a part of Siwani block of Bhiwani district, Haryana. The area lies between 28° 55' N to 29° 10' latitudes and 75° 30' to 75° 45E' longitudes. Its boundary in the north by Hisar district, in the west by Churu district of Rajasthan and the east and south by parts of Siwani block. In the present study image processing and visual interpretation technique were employed to carry out Land use/Land cover classification using digital data and standard False Colour Composite (FCC) paper print of Indian Remote Sensing satellite. Digital data of IRS - 1D, LISS-III ,2011. Geocoded standard False Colour Composite (FCC) paper print of IRS - 1D, LISS-III acquired on March, 2006. Survey of India toposheet No. 44P/9 on 1:50,000 scale. Reports and other related material. An exhaustive ground truth was done to confirm the interpreted land use/land cover maps. For the field survey base maps were prepared of Bhiwani district. In conclusion based upon the standard image characteristics like texture, tone, shape, size, association, pattern and site etc. the visual interpretation of IRS imagery, land use land cover map was prepared to identify and to map the land cover/ land use details of the study area. In this we found different LU/LC characteristics like rural, urban, fellow land, agriculture land, forest plantation, waste land etc. The study area has been divided into major physiographic units i.e., aeolin plain, sand dunes, sand dune complex and interdunal valley.

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