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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications
Volume 1, Issue 1, 2014, Page No: 45-50

Implementation of Double Precision Floating Point Multiplier in VHDL

Gargi S. Rewatkar

M.Tech Electronics Wainganga College of Engineering and Management Nagpur, India

Citation : Gargi S. Rewatkar, Implementation of Double Precision Floating Point Multiplier in VHDL International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications 2014, 1(1) : 45-50


Floating point numbers are one possible way of representing real numbers in binary format; the IEEE 754 standard presents two different floating point formats, Binary interchange format and Decimal interchange format. Multiplying floating point numbers is a critical requirement for DSP applications involving large dynamic range. Floating-point implementation on FPGAs has been the interest of many researchers. FPGAs are increasingly being used in the high performance and scientific computing community to implement floating-point based hardware accelerators. FPGAs are generally slower than their application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) counterparts, as they can't handle as complex a design, and draw more power. However, they have several advantages such as a shorter time to market, ability to re-program in the field to fix bugs, and lower nonrecurring engineering cost costs. Vendors can sell cheaper, less flexible versions of their FPGAs which cannot be modified after the design is committed. The development of these designs is made on regular FPGAs and then migrated into a fixed version that more resembles an ASIC. In this project we aim to implement double precision floating point multiplier in VHDL.

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