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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education

Volume-11 Issue-8, 2024

The Effect of Outward Bound on the Social Integration of Chinese Migrant Children
Yuhang Zhou,Zhenyu Jin,Yuhong Wen
Download | Page No : 1-8

The Xinhai Revolution: Democratizing China, Transforming Ideology, and Reshaping Culture
Yuze Liu
Download | Page No : 9-16

A Decennial Review of Homelessness Trends: A Comparative Assessment of the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Homelessness Severity and Dynamics
Adeleye, Joy Adedapo
Download | Page No : 17-26

An Enduring Tradition: The Interrelation Between Confucianism, Internet, and Chinese Censorship Strategy
Adalia X. Wen
Download | Page No : 27-31

Psychosocial Impact of Interventions by Care Structures on Girls and Women Victims of Sexual Violence During the Post-Election Crisis in Ivory Coast
Dr.KOUAKOU Konan Isidore, Dr.MORO Gwladys Roselyne Epse SAMMI, Dr.BAMBA Massandjei
Download | Page No : 32-42

The Harvester's Garden: Females as Body Parts in Nigeria
Jessica Ojiugo Chinonye
Download | Page No : 43-53

Legal Components Shaping Sustainable Ecosystem Management in Turkey
Download | Page No : 54-65

Impacts of School Development Committees in Addressing Challenges in Mudzi District of Mashonaland East Province of Zimbabwe
Download | Page No : 66-70

Financial Risks in Rural Public Secondary Schools: The Case of 5 Selected Schools in Mudzi District of Mashonaland East Province, Zimbabwe
Ndongwe Evershine
Download | Page No : 71-77

The Role of Information Communication Technology (ICT) In the Management of Schools: A Case Study of Primary Schools in the Zimbabwean Harare Province (2024)
Rosewitha Mbiriyakura, Rittah Kasowe
Download | Page No : 78-84

Nationalism in Border Communities: A Phenomenological Study of the Natuna Community
Amirudin, Jabal Tarik Ibrahim, Tri Sulistyaningsih, Diah Karmiati
Download | Page No : 85-90

Meaning of the Traditional Custom Regarding the Umbilical Cord in the Sahafatra Society in Vondrozo District
KOTOBESOA, Dr.RAKOTONIRINA Jean Raymond, Professor RUPHIN Solange Marie
Download | Page No : 91-103