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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


ARC Journal of Nutrition and Growth

Volume-10 Issue-1

Swimming towards Health: Exploring the Vital Role of Fish in Human Nutrition
Gaurav N. Lanjewar, Shweta A. Sonawane
Download | Page No : 1-7

A Comparative Study of Different Monofloral and Multifloral Honey Samples from Northern India for their Health Promoting Activities and Physicochemical Parameters
Atul Kumar Joshi, Ashok Kumar, RC Mishra, Prity Pant
Download | Page No : 8-16

Dietary Diversity in Rural Pregnant Women from KONKAN Region of Maharashtra, India (BKLWHANC-3)
Suvarna Patil, Asmita Jadhav, Rohini Shinde, Dhanashri Sutar, Sanvi Yadav, Apoorva Apte, Shraddha Kharade, Megha Pise, Pralobhana Devrukhakar, Pallavi Bhat, Dnyaneshwar Jadhav, Omkar Dervankar, Charudatta Joglekar
Download | Page No : 17-22

The Impact of Western Diet on Traumatic Brain Injury Outcomes
Betul Aslan
Download | Page No : 23-25

Orlistat, Really Effective for Weight Loss?
Nombre autor, Daniela Merchant Careaga
Download | Page No : 26-28