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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences

Volume-10 Issue-1

Youth Engagement and Inclusiveness in Fish Farming in the Fako Division Southwest Region of Cameroon
Relindis Ekanya, Geneva O. Nkongho,Jack Dickson Arreytabe, Gordon Takop Nchanji, Yvonne Nchong Etchutakang, Ebanje Ndassa, Nelson Neba Suh, Roland Ndi Mbongko, Ebobisse Marcel1
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Genus and Species of Bacteria from Domestic Water to Remove Pure Motor Oil
Liliana Marquez-Benavides, Juan Manuel Sanchez-Yanez
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Socioeconomic Factors Responsible for Prevalence of Kidney Disease in Obese-Diabetic Adults
Amina A. Belal, K.C. Bhuiyan
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