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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Political Science

Volume-10 Issue-1, 2024

Challenges in Contemporary Indian State Politics
Dr. Hanumanthappa D. G
Download | Page No : 1-4

A Study on the Cultural Changes and Political Relations of Mazu Temple in Taiwan - A Case Study of Haotian Temple Pilgrimage
Hsiao-Ming Chang, Ching-Hui Lin
Download | Page No : 5-13

Analysing the Challenges Faced by the East African Community Regional Force in Countering M23 Rebels in Eastern DR Congo
Jacques MAGABO, Patrick MUSHITSI
Download | Page No : 14-20

The Relationship between Islam and Democracy in Indonesia: Building Harmony in Diversity
Sumarno, Debbie AFFIANTY
Download | Page No : 21-28

Secular Politics in India: Evolution, Challenges, and Contemporary Relevance
Dr. Hanumanthappa D G
Download | Page No : 29-33