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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research

Volume-12- Issue-8, 2024

Research Topic: How has Healthcare Management Changed over the last 10 Years?; a Narrative 0Review"
Ferguson, Najua, Hendrickson, Andrew B.
Download | page No :1-4

Examining Stakeholder's Perception on the Effectiveness of Accounting Practices in Promoting Accountability and Transparencies in the Public Sector in Tanzania
Dr.Kaanaeli Gabriel Nnko
Download | page No :5-16

Applicability of the Servqual Scale for Analyzing the Perceived Quality of Public Health Services during the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Municipality of Tres Rios/RJ, Brazil
Lucas Alves de Oliveira Lima, Paulo Lourenco Domingues Junior, Robson Tavares da Silva
Download | page No :17-30