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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education

Volume-11 Issue-7, 2024

Bridging Cultures: Lessons from Japan for Improving Rural Household Waste Management in Bangladesh
A.K.M. Tajkir-Uz-Zaman

Cosmic Beauty: Race & Aesthetics in Jose Vasconcelos' "La Raza Cosmica"
Emily Zhang
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Political Debates on the Anglophone Problem in Cameroon, 1961-2019
Ernest DZELAMONYUY (PhD), Ernest Taki Akon (PhD)
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Media and Gender Identities in Nigeria
Folajogun Akinlami
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Investigating the Effects of using Conversation Analysis in Understanding Advice-Giving at St. Martin's College
Salah M. O. Elhassan, Mahmoud Ali Ahmed
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A Novice Teacher's Learning Styles and Student-teacher Development
Salah M. O. Elhassan, Mahmoud Ali Ahmed
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The Prevalence and Severity of Depression among Patients with Advanced Cancer, in Nairobi Hospice, Kenya
Ekenedilichukwu Ugwoegbu, Alice Munene PsyD, Rebecca Oladipo PhD, Josephine Gakii Gatua PHD, Mohamed Abdullahi MD MPH, Stella kathambi Mburugu
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Pre-Service Teacher Education in Cameroon: A Review of the Current Official Syllabuses for Teacher Training Colleges (T.T.C.)
Yaro Loveline
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Against the Applicability of Popperian Falsificationism
Anthony Hu
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Minimize or even Eradicate Cheating by Applying the "Everyone for Himself, God for All" Evaluation Method
Ibrahima SAKHO
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Human Rights in Nepal: An Analysis
Diwakar Dhakal
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Apostasy in Islam and Christian Mission of Evangelization
Patricia Enedudu Idoko
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Crime Victim Service Providers' Barriers to Service Provision: Comparisons across Service Providers
Jina Lee, Ph.D, Songyon Shin, Ph.D., Sunguook Lee, Ph.D
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Challenges Faced by Police Officers in Investigating Cyber Crime: An Exploratory Study in Bangladesh
Dr.Rukhsana Siddiqua
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