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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Sports and Physical Education

Volume-10 Issue-1, 2024

A Review on India's Performance in the Asian Games: A Chronicle of Milestones and Progresses
Ms.Deiphibari Lyngdoh, Ph.D, Mohamed Prince M. Ph.D
Download | Page No : 1-10

A Study on Anaerobic Power in Athletes of Different Type of Sport
Mrs.Ashwini K N, Mr.Madesh Kumar, Prof.Kishore Kumar C.K
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The Use of Modern Technology in Physical Education Teaching and Learning Process
Mohammad Ahsan
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Evaluation of Quality of Life of Public Technological High School Students
Vinicius Barroso Hirota, Lucilia Guerra, Elias de Franca, Erico Chagas Caperuto, Victor Augusto Ramos Fernandes, Marcelo Rodrigues da Cunha, Claudson Lincoln Begiatto, Ronaldo VT dos Santos, Carlos Eduardo Lopes Verardi
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