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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature

Volume-12 Issue-7, 2024

The Knife: A Psychoanalytic Exploration of Toxic Inheritance in My Sister, the Serial Killer
Adaobi Olivia Ihueze PhD, Ike, Chidimma Blessing
Download | Page No : 1-6

The Representation of Sexual Abuse in Contemporary Poetry: A Psychotherapist's Composition
Giuseppe Giordano
Download | Page No : 7-10

Characters' Motivational Status Level and Dead End in Anglophone African Literature
Rodrigue Judicael ELE
Download | Page No : 11-18

Students' Perceived Challenges and Benefits of Integrating Project-Based Learning into English for Specific Purposes Classes
Han Thi Hong Nhung, Le Van Tuyen
Download | Page No : 19-28