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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences
Volume 5, Issue 8, 2017, Page No: 1-3

Occurrence of Whip Spiders (Arachnida:Amblypygi) in Isolated Fragments of Atlantic Forest in a Northeastern Brazilian Metropolis: Perspective for New Studies

Katia Regina Benati11,Marcelo Alves Dias1,Marcelo Cesar Lima Peres2,Alessandra Rodrigues Andrade4,Sheila Luzia de Santana Varjao1,Daniela Uzel Sena4,Tercio da Silva Melo3

1.Centro de Ecologia e Conservacao Animal (ECOA) da Universidade Catolica do Salvador (UCSal),Bahia, Brasil.
2.Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Planejamento Ambiental (PPGPA) da Universidade Catolica do Salvador (UCSal), Bahia, Brasil.
3.Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Ecologia e Biomonitoramento da Universidade Federal da Bahia,Salvador, Bahia, Brasil.
4.Faculdade Estacio de Alagoas (FAL). Alagoas, Maceio, Brasil

Citation :Katia Regina Benati1,, Occurrence of Whip Spiders (Arachnida:Amblypygi) in Isolated Fragments of Atlantic Forest in a Northeastern Brazilian Metropolis: Perspective for New Studies International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences 2017,5(8) : 1-3


The objective was to register occurrence of the genus Charinus Simon, 1892, in two isolated fragments of Atlantic Rain Forest in Salvador; the Metropolitan Park of Pituacu with 382 ha and 19° "Batalhao de Cacadores" - Brazilian Army with about 166 ha. A total of 17 individuals have been collected through samples of leaflitter, all of them from genus Charinus. Although the reduced abundance, it was noted that the individuals of this sort can be found in urban fragments that show high degree of isolation and with historical of intense anthropic perturbation, however, the richness is rather low.

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