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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Environmental Science
Volume 5, Issue 3, 2019, Page No: 1-9

Environmental Protection as Disasters' Risk Reduction Strategy in Rwanda: Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Community Members in Kamonyi District

Narcisse Ntawigenera1*, Dr. Callixte Yadufashije2

1.Catholic University of Rwanda, Faculty of Public Health and Humana Nutrition, Department of Public Health, Rwanda.
2.INES-Ruhengeri-Institute of Applied Sciences.

Citation : Narcisse Ntawigenera, Dr. Callixte Yadufashije, Environmental Protection as Disasters' Risk Reduction Strategy in Rwanda: Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Community Members in Kamonyi DistrictInternational Journal of Research in Environmental Science 2019, 5(3) : 1-9.


The objective of this research was to assess knowledge, attitudes and practices of community members towards environmental protection as disasters' risk reduction strategy. It has been conducted in 3 sectors of Kamonyi district located in Southern Province of Rwanda: Kayenzi, Gacurabwenge and Runda. 384 respondents participated in this research. Findings revealed that 76% of respondents are aware of environmental degradation problem. 62% confirmed that there is a direct relationship between environmental degradation and disasters. Regarding their attitudes, prevention of soil erosion is the most appreciated environmental protection technique as contributing on disasters' risk reduction. Soil erosion, climate change, over-cultivation and environmental impact of pesticides and fertilizers are key environmental issues associated with agricultural sector in Kamonyi district. Mining activities are "over controlled" in order to avoid their impact on the environment. However, disasters related to water pollution, deforestation and accidents are the main problems identified as associated to mining activities. According to findings of research, efforts are needed for improvement of knowledge of community members, in order to reduce their vulnerability to disasters. In addition, behavior change programs are much needed in this area, so that sustainable development goals may be achieved.

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