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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 2, Issue 6, 2014, Page No: 1-9

The Impact of Financial Analysis in Maximizing the Firm's Value "A Case Study on the Jordanian Industrial Companies"

Dr. Nabil M. Al-Nasser 1

1.Assistant Professor Accounting Department Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan

Citation : Dr. Nabil M. Al-Nasser, The Impact of Financial Analysis in Maximizing the Firm's Value "A Case Study on the Jordanian Industrial Companies" International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2014 , 2(6) : 1-9


Financial statement analysis involves a study of the relationships between income statement and financial position statement accounts, how these relationships change over time, and how a particular firm compares with other firms in the same industry. This study aims to point out the impact of financial analysis in maximizing the firm's value. Financial analysis outcomes can be used to help both managers and external parties in making financial and investment decisions to maximize the wealth and benefits of each stakeholder. For achieving this purpose, number of 100 questionnaires has been designed, circulated by hand to a selected sample of employees working in different Jordanian industrial companies. Resolution data were analyzed using the statistical program SSPS. Finally, the study concluded that, financial analysis has a significant positive effect on helping managers in taking effective decisions that can increase the profitability and the value of the firm

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