Variation of Broodstock Sizes and Types of Aquatic Plantstoward Breeding and Survival of Newly Hatched Larvae of Climbing Perch(Anabas testudineusBloch 1792)
Muhammad Syamsuddin1, Rukmini2, Slamat2, Ahmadi2*
Citation :Ahmadi,, Variation of Broodstock Sizes and Types of Aquatic Plantstoward Breeding and Survival of Newly Hatched Larvae of Climbing Perch(Anabas testudineusBloch 1792) International Journal of Innovative Studies in Aquatic Biology and Fisheries 2019, 5(2) : 11-20.
A series of laboratory experiments were conducted to find out the best performance of different broodstock sizes (14 and 16 cm TL) and type of water plants (Eichhorniacrassipesand Hydrillaverticillata)on the basis of breeding process and survival of newly hatched larvae of Climbing perch.The experimental design used was Factorial Randomized Completely Design (18 treatment units). A total of 54 individual broodstocks (sex ratio of 2M:1F) associated with aquatic plants and control were investigated. Overall, the best performance was found in treatment of A2B1 (broodstock 16 cm TL with E.crassipes) particularly in fecundity (37,440± 19,970 eggs) and fertilization rate (81.92 ± 10.33%).The ANOVA test showed that the treatment significantly affects the whole parametersobserved.Low survival in the present study was more attributable to inability of larvae to consume natural food at early days rather than water quality condition factor.In addition, Climbing perch broodstocks in present study grew negatively allometric (b = 2.63-2.68). During the research, water quality was in tolerance range for Climbing perch larvae rearing: temperature was 26-30°C, pH 6 -7, DO 3.4- 4.0 mg L-1 , and Ammonia 0.001-0.043 mgL-1.