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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 6, Issue 3, 2019, Page No: 27-32

Perceptions and Stereotypes Regarding the Participation of Women in Public Office: Advances or Static Conditions?

Delina Margarita NanezCordova1, Flor Ivett Reyes Guillen2*, Werclain Alejandro Gomez Flores1, Socorro Fonseca Cordoba3, Raul VAzquez Gutierrez4, Miguel Angel Cordero Molina5, Mercedes Alejandro Perez6

1.PhD in Public Law from the University of the South. Professor-Researcher at the Faculty of Law C-III of the UNACH. Centro Historico. C.P. 29220 San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas Mexico.
2.PhD in Sciences, Natural Resources and Sustainable Development from. Faculty of Social Sciences of the Autonomous University of Chiapas, Mexico.
3.PhD in Education from the Institute of University Studies. Teaching researcher at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Campus III, UNACH, Chiapas Mexico.
4.Master�s in psychology Professor-researcher of the Faculty of Law of the Autonomous University of Chiapas, Mexico.
5.Master�s in constitutional law with training in Amparo by the Autonomous University of Chiapas, Mexico.
6.PhD in Education Sciences from San Marcos University. Degreeinlaw and master�s in criminal sciences. Specialist in criminal,civil and procedural law. San Marcos University, Plantel San Cristobal de las Casas,Chiapas, Mexico.

Citation : Flor Ivett Reyes Guillen, Perceptions and Stereotypes Regarding the Participation of Women in Public Office: Advances or Static Conditions? International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2019, 6(3) : 27-32.


This article presents the results of a study carried out with the objective of knowing the perceptions of university students in relation to the participation of women in public office. The finding related to the existence of a representative percentage of young people who do not agree with the participation of the woman in public office or the empowerment of the women is relevant. It is also important to recognize the lack of information and educational programs related to gender equity in the educational area to which they belong in their vocational training process.The conditions are not static; but it is necessary to carry out studies like the present one, which must be replicated and directed towards other scenarios.

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