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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 5, Issue 10, 2018, Page No: 43-48

Learning Strategies AmongMulti-Ethnic Students in Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia

Johnattan AkJames Sindoi*, Nurulwahida HjAzid

Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok, Kedah Malaysia.

Citation : Johnattan AkJames Sindoi, Nurulwahida HjAzid, Learning Strategies AmongMulti-Ethnic Students in Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2018, 5(10) :43-48.


: Student learning in 21st century is influenced by their learning strategies. Students need to have self-confidence, self-directed learning, contributing actively, and be attentive learner. However, student's learning strategies still be an issue in helping our students to master their learning skills and their academic achievement. Thus, the objective of this study is to identify the ways to help the students to improve their mathematical achievement among high school students. Specifically, this study aims to determine the types of learning strategies among multi-ethnic students in Miri, Sarawak. The total number of the students involve in this study are 532. Motivation Strategy for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) which consist 57 items is used. The overall findings showed that all of the dimensions of learning strategies are in moderately high level. The mean of all the dimensions are in between 4.09 to 4.46.The findings of the study showed that the dimensions of seeking help was the highest and followed by peer learning dimensions and the lowest was the dimension of organizing among the multi - ethnic groups in Miri. The highest mean of learning strategies for Malay is seeking for help and effort- regulation for Chinese where as Ulu and Dayak are peers dimension. These findings can help educators to understand the kind of learning strategies that are more appropriate for their different ethnic groups students. Different ethnic groups should focus on different learning strategies in their learning process.

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