An Investigation into the Challenges and Successes of Students on the Distance Education Programme: The Case of Kwame Nkrumah University In Zambia
Jive Lubbungu, Vincent Mudenda
Citation :Jive Lubbungu, Vincent Mudenda, An Investigation into the Challenges and Successes of Students on the Distance Education Programme: The Case of Kwame Nkrumah University In Zambia International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2017,4(5) : 63-69
This study was aimed at investigating the challenges and successes facing open and distance learning students at Kwame Nkrumah University(KNU). The study was conducted at KNU campus in Zambia. The study employed both quantitative and qualitative approaches using a descriptive design. The results showed that content, organisational, pedagogical, communicative and personal growth competencies still haunt the Distance Education area. Furthermore, the study revealed insights into factors linked to the expectations, support of students and lecturers alike, which proved influential in terms of lecturers� output and students resilience and motivation to remain on course. The implications for teacher education are clear. The students� progression rate and their stay on the programme depends on the support provided while lecturers' motivation to deliver quality information depends on their competencies and the support they get from the managerial system. Additionally, growth in enrolments will depend on the institution's capacity to provide appropriate academic and student support and therefore assessment of programme inputs and outcomes is a crucial component of educational effectiviness.