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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 4, Issue 4, 2017, Page No: 63-71

The Effect of Using the E-Learning Management System (Jusur) on Knowledge Acquisition in the English Language and Achievement Motivation for Preparatory Year Students at the Hashimite University: An Empirical Study

Dr. Yaser Mohammad AL-adwan

The World Islamic Sciences and Education University, Jordan

Citation :Dr. Yaser Mohammad AL-adwan, The Effect of Using the E-Learning Management System (Jusur) on Knowledge Acquisition in the English Language and Achievement Motivation for Preparatory Year Students at the Hashimite University: An Empirical Study International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2017,4(4) : 63-71


The research aims to prepare English language course through e-learning management system (JUSUR) for female students of preparatory year at the Hashemite University in Jordan; Identify the impact of using e-learning management system (JUSUR) on knowledge acquisition in the English language for female students of preparatory year at the Hashemite University in Jordan & Identify the impact of using e-learning management system (JUSUR) on the motivation of the female students of the preparatory year at the Hashemite University. To achieve that goal the researcher conducting the post-test application on the students of the experimental group and control group in the period from 16/12/2016 until 20/12/2016 to identify the extent of the growth and improvement of the students to acquire certain cognitive skills attainment and achievement motivation in the subject of English for the students of the preparatory year.And thestudy results showed that there are differences with statistically significant at the level of (0.05=a) between the average scores of the experimental group and the control group average score in the post-test application for the experimental group. .

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