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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 4, Issue 1, 2017, Page No: 32-35

Research on Preschool Teachers' Safety Education in China

XiaoFen Wang

College of Education science, NanTong University JiangSu Province, China, 226019

Citation :XiaoFen Wang, Research on Preschool Teachers' Safety Education in China International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2017,4(1) : 32-35


In order to study the present situation of teachers' safety educational practice, and provide guidelines on how to carry out safety educational activities, we use the method of distributing questionnaires to 823 preschool teachers from different classes of kindergartens in four districts from N city of JiangSu province. Through research, we got the result that teachers who often carry out this activities are (88.9%). The main content of safety education include anti -lost, anti-electric shock, anti-kidnapping, anti-sharp objects and traffic safety; They conduct safety activities mostly by telling stories (45.1%) and showing examples (34.0%), also by prohibiting (18.9%) and educating after the case occurred (2%); Teachers also offered safety knowledge education to parents more often by the way of parents meeting, written form and Internet and rarely use the scene simulation. Preschool teachers have some problems in the behavior of safety education, and these qualities must be improved.

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