Hess provides an excellent article but it misses, as do all such efforts on education, the fact that too many children are uneducable. Some children cannot learn, regardless of any educational policy because it cannot replace these children's missing childhoods. I interviewed hundreds of men in a prison setting, discovering that most had no childhood which correlated with their lack of education, street drug use, and criminality, the latter being their only known way to survive. As children, their minds were stressed to primitive functioning, dysocial behavior to survive, and deprivation of the ability to learn, understand, think, and develop/live virtue. They could not absorb what was being offered in schools regardless of education policies. Good education means good parents or someone who gave the ingredients of decent childhood. A child needs for successful development a traditional Jewish-Christian family environment, overt or covert. And a culture without a basic percentage of Jewish-Christian families, overt or covert, will be miserable to live in.
Basically, out culture contains anti-childhood components from which children need protection until maturation, i.e., until menstruation for girls and wet dreams for boys.
1. Adult sex and violence destroy childhood. Television and electronic-celluloid access and other exposures must be prohibited. Any unfortunate exposures are to be mocked and minimized as "part of the yuk and work of adulthood so stay a kid as long as you can." No television or movies until after age 12. Virtuous books should be provided instead
(1). Parents should read good books to their children. "Sex is for making babies after you are married. Sex is part of the yuk and work of adulthood. Sex will make you crazy if you do not wait until married. Nature keeps sex between opposite-sexed mature adults of the same species at a time consistent with making babies by biochemicals called pheromones (Humans use "marital love" instead of biochemicals to stay true to Nature). Sex not in tune with nature will make you and your partner crazy, i.e., "pollution" as not part of Nature. You are not missing a thing."
2. Raucous noise and chaos destroy childhood. From intrauterine life through early grade school, peaceful tranquility and serenity are needed for brain development and optimal
functioning. Screaming at a child in anger, for example, is a cause of brain inflammation leading to post traumatic stress numbing. The same can be said for almost all loud raucous
noise and dysphoria. For optimal child development, tranquility must be provided all pregnant women and their children.
3. Learned "relief-by-eruption" destroys childhood. Children in chronic stress find "escape" by emotional erupting, tantrum like, panic or rage, which are psychological flights from their misery. It really is a "non-being" seeking by not-being the horrible-feeling-self in the horrible situation in which they are living. Such eruptions are statements that "I do not want to be" and the ersatz "high" eruption can even be felt as and called "cool", which leads to welcome habituation of this type of "relief." But panic/tantrum/raging is an inflammatory process destroying childhood. Help them with the self-reflecting-reassuring "SAM--Shut mouth; Air in thru nose; Mouth cough away evil" over and over (2).
4. Touting "evil as good" destroys childhood. "Evil is the creation of non-being." The suggestibility of all people to do "evil" is the problem ever since original sin—And we can choose non-being unwittingly especially when coached by serpents, Stanley Milgrims (infra), Adolf Eichmanns(infra), and Hollywood-journalism dirty minded tyrants who do not know the difference between "art" and "disturbing the peace" (or "destroying childhood"). Authority promoting and defending evil is touted as "freedom" or as "rights" to act inconsistent with "...Nature and Nature's God". Emphatically, anti-Nature acts are "behavioral pollution" which destroy childhood. When evil acts are promoted as
“good,” resulting is a culture filled with spiritual black holes: no virtue, raw violence, unnatural sexuality, hostility and violence promotions, un-empathic punitive law infatuated with itself, games which desensitize killing, loss of decency and privacy, culture created "aliens" eager to become pseudo-religious terrorists, and the promotion of diseases (abnormal functioning of body parts), especially body dysmorphic disorders (particularly uncivilizing for insecure developing immature boys). The uncivilized behavioral pollution is provided, for rich and poor alike, as acceptable entertainment. If it seems “normal” or if you can do it and still talk about it, then it is assumed to be all right, but there is stress to be accommodated as loud sensational non-being engulfs. Accommodation, even habituation, can be by denial, by resistance, by Stockholm syndrome imitation, and by drugs or a combination of all. And for some, the accommodation breaks down to blind rage and mass killings.
5. The press and media destroy childhood. This is best explained by the Ten Mantras For The Press & Media (copyright c 2005) which all
children should be taught from age 2:
(1) The press and media are unreliable about anything that is important and they make you a voyeur
of non-being because most of it is untrue, except the weather forecasts.
(2) Celebrities,
newscasters, newsreporters and moviemakers are fakes; it takes them hours to prepare for the role they will play. Celebrities are fakes
unworthy of imitation.
(3) Do not be suggestible, remembering that people imitate
what they see (from running around naked to killing people), repeat what they hear, and buy
what they are told to buy from junk stuff to junk ideas—so do not be gullible by believing the press and media which are nothing but flickering lights and ink-smudged nonsense.
(4) The press and media are frauds: they
preach free speech but censor more than anyone; they claim tolerance but suppress all
with which they do not agree; they proclaim equality but do not present fairly and equally all points of view; and they pretend diversity except for people and ideas not in agreement.
(5) That is not me! That is not me! That is not
me! (A special mantra to be said continuously while watching television, movies and the internet). Whatever you did already this
morning was informationally more than all other molecular accumulations for billions of
miles and billions of years so you are special as life is special—Do not let the press and
media influence you and thereby ruin it all.
(6) Sex in all nature is to make babies and/or create family in the most developmentally
favorable circumstances possible which, for humans, means a marriage between a man and
a woman.
(7) God is. He does not like sin. You have to have your sins forgiven and suffer to recompress to before the Big Bang to
be with Him. Sinning is less if you do not believe the press and media about anything.
(8) The people of the press and media do not include, believe, understand, accept, reflect, represent, portray or care about the common
man (male or female) regardless of what claimed. They are mostly traitors to the
Founders of America and their Ten Commandments. They will never tell what
they do not want the public to know. And you should never tell their pollsters the truth. The press and media are Satan’s way of giving information. They want to kidnap your mind.
(9) You will never learn anything worth
believing about the Roman Catholic Church from novels, movies, or the press and media.
(10) The press and media are the biggest
frauds, liars, and tyrants ever to exist in the world. They may become believable after
their editorial and executive meetings are on the internet.
"Looking for lies, manipulations, and suggestibility" in the morning newspapers or news programs should be a fun breakfast game every day with children. Children need
to know that they have to "find the lie" in order to prevent or solve problems. The press
& media are the biggest source of lies in the
world. If it is not true, one, good and beautiful, forget about it.
6. The law destroys childhood. Government law cannot well regulate the art and science of childhood. Such law is neither art nor science. Childhood, like medical care, is primarily trial-and-error educated guessing, which is something impossible for law coherently to dictate. In fact, government law is really a huge outhouse. . .a necessary evil the size of which is proportional to the lack of virtue of its citizens, the lack of just and truthful judges, and the fees of attorneys. Government law automatically tends to be totalitarian—from throwing citizens into jail to prohibiting too much sweet soda drinking. The self-righteous grandiose arrogance of law makers is essential for acceptance of the law by flimflammed citizens. "Respect the law" should be replaced by "fear the law." Well-hidden by the law is that government law is not based on science,
nature or transcendental principles, although the law pretends every grandiosity imaginable. The US Supreme Court issued a ruling that basically said that "feelings are reality" and "emotions can be acted out"--both now are legalisms that destroy childhood--a healthy person must learn to rationally control their feelings and act out primarily by virtue. The law is a pseudo-religion based on the fait of its believers (exploiters) who attempt to maintain order and the common good by dogmatic legalisms, rather than truth, justice and equal protection. Government law as “established religion” (which robed gods and
court rituals evince) is actually prohibited by the Constitution and, as such, has no right to impinge on the other learned professions of medicine (governing “life”) and divinity
(governing “pursuit of happiness”). Government law is necessary for “liberty” and conflict resolution supposedly for the Common Good. Still the flood of imprisoned innocent people and reversed rulings by successive appeals courts mark it emphatically also as more “evil” than good. This becomes especially evident when the Supreme Court has ruled that unsworn statements to Courts or Congress are not covered by criminal statutes which prohibit false statements (which makes “the law” into a bunch of passed on lies unworthy of respect). Raise your children to follow and fear the law, but know that it is just a necessary evil itself run by arrogant self-righteous well paid fascists who will destroy you if you criticize (as Machiavelli stated). And when it comes to lies, no one lies more convincingly on the personal level than lawyers, judges, politicians, and their employees. At bottom, there is no difference between the laws of any country except how and which citizens are destroyed.
7. Color destroys childhood. Content of Character is the most important aspect of one's life. People who think with COLOR cannot be believed and should not. Most often, they are making excuses or trying to dominate. There is a perverse "better-than-thou", self-righteous feel-good when color is used as an excuse for failures; and the same
perverse as a "gotcha" feel-good occurs when color is imposed as a reason for success. Alternating and opposite, are the malicious uses of color to assault, dominate, manipulate
and exploit, just as old slavers used "white." Those who condemn color dominance should not use it themselves. "Content of character"-
-VIRTUE--present or absent? Virtue is the Common Good. Color has not, and will not work. Color paralyzes to victimhood or creates hostility. It never did and never will
work for the truth, oneness, good and beauty of mankind. "We don't pay attention to color any more--just content of character"--it is
what preserves the best for childhood. Only "segregationists" pay attention to color.
8. Absent fathers and incompetent mothers (or viceversa)destroychildhood. Transcendental family life from conception to adolescence by competent mothering and fathering is the definition of childhood. If parents fail, the children generally are post-traumatic stress brain inflamed into incorrigible dys-social virtueless robots trying
to survive. They seek drugs to "escape" their misery at about age 11. With brain inflammations galore, learning in school is almost impossible. Criminality becomes the
method of survival, and it is psychologically seeking the loving motherhood and fatherhood they never had.
9. Drug abuse destroys childhood. Artificial tranquility is obtained by alcohol and street drugs.Escape from their no-childhood primitive starkness is obtained but with a loss of learning and positive self-development.
10. Feelings destroy childhood. That is, childhood is destroyed if feeling are not understood and the child is unable to "settle down". My booklet, Everybody Settle Down, was written so children know the names of the feelings and how to handle them (3). There can be little learning if one cannot control one's feelings. The US Supreme Court ruling, Oberforge v. Hodges, declares that "emotions and feeling are reality and are to be acted out instead of rationally controlled." This is an insane promotion of mental illnesses and will destroy childhood.
11. Less than full humanity destroys childhood. Full unity with the species is intrinsic to unadulterated childhood. The Flag of Mankind/Humanity and the Pledge enable global integrity and transcendence (4).
Educational policies must attend to those uneducable because of no childhood. There must be a Right To Childhood which is transcendent: promoting being, matter, identity, truth, oneness, good and beauty filled with virtue. Transcendent kids are making it, and their parents generally put them in charter schools. Meanwhile, the kids without childhoods are in other schools which are erroneously blamed for not having effective education programs, when the real problem is that the kids are paralyzed into an uneducable state. Actually, "No Child Left Behind" is a misnomer: Whoever was left behind never had a "childhood."