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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


ARC Journal of Clinical Case Reports

Volume-10 Issue-2

A Rare Cause of Melena: Duodenal Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma
A. Benhamdane, B. Aourarh, S. Berrag, F. Nejjari, T. Adioui, M. Tamzaourte
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Retroperitoneal Teratoma in Pregnancy
Rosekeila Simões Nomelini, Luciana Pontes Arruda, Fernando Figueiredo Cunali Junior, Eddie Fernando Candido Murta
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Case Report of Osler-Weber-Rendu Syndrome with Incidentally Detected Ipsilateral Renal Adnexal Agenesis
Huseyin Dongelli, Ekin Kavvasoglu, Mustafa Oktay Tarhan, Hatice Kubra Tascı
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Coexisting Hemochromatosis and Autoimmune Hepatitis: Diagnostic Dilemmas in the Context of Iron Overload
Orivaldo Alves Barbosa M.D, Dower Frota Barroso, Joao Paulo Uchoa Fontenele, Talita Guimaraes Andrade MD, Danilo Alencar Martins MD
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